buat lelaki, syukurla dah ada isteri.. jangn cari galpren lain

Wife is like TV, girlfriend is like Handphone (HP)

At home watch TV, go out bring HP.

No money, sell TV. Got money change HP.

Sometimes enjoy TV, but most of the time play with HP.

TV free for life but HP, if you don't pay the services will be terminated

TV is big, bulky and most of the time old, but handphone is cute, slim,

curvy and very portable at any time.

Operational cost for TV is often acceptable but for HP is high and often demanding,

Most Important, TV got remote.. HP don't have..

Last but not least....... .

TV do not have virus, but h/p yes......... .have VIRUS....... ........ once get it, terus KONG........ hahahahaha. .....
so better choose TV .....


Syareena Rahmat said...

hahah ! betul la tuh ! jgn ngengade carik gf bile dah ade isteri ! :)

nuradrenalena said...

haahhaah btol3!!!!!!

anndellshoppe said...

like this very strong...